What is the most efficient boiler system?

One of the most common home heating systems is a boiler, and that’s especially true for older houses in the colder regions. Boilers heat water, and then distribute hot steam or hot water to the rooms through a series of pipes to heat the home. The steam is sent to the radiators, while hot water flows to the radiators or radiant heating systems. Boilers are fuelled by natural gas, heating oil, propane, electricity or a biodiesel-oil blend. New systems are very energy efficient, with efficiencies as high as 98.5 percent.

Condensing Vs. Non-Condensing

All boilers are either condensing or non-condensing. A condensing boiler concentrates water vapour produced in the heating process, and uses waste heat to preheat cold water entering the boiler. Condensing boilers are extremely energy efficient because they can provide ample heat while operating at lower temperatures.

Non-condensing boilers typically operate at higher temperatures, and some heat ends up being vented outside. Non-condensing boilers are 80 percent to 88 percent efficient, while condensing boilers have efficiencies greater than 88 percent.

 Sealed Combustion Vs. Non-Sealed Combustion

Boilers are either sealed-combustion or non-sealed combustion units. You should buy one that is sealed combustion because it brings outside air into the burner and directs exhaust gases outside. Non-sealed combustion boilers draw heated air in and then send it up the chimney, wasting the energy used to heat the air. Also, sealed-combustion boilers won’t introduce dangerous gases into your home.

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