Pros and cons of using steam cleaners

When it comes to cleaning the surfaces in your home or workspace, there are so many effective options available to you if you want to get the best value for your time and money. While the traditional rub ‘n scrub elbow grease will always be needed when sanitizing your home, you can save yourself bucket loads of time using complementary devices.

Some of the best of these devices you can use are steam cleaners. Steam cleaning is none of the most effective methods of removing contaminants on several kinds of surfaces and materials for both homeowners and businesses. Using a steam cleaning device is as affordable as it is convenient, let’s find out why.


Pros of using steam cleaners

  1. Shorter cleaning time

Using a steam cleaner means not having to drag around a vacuum or bucket while cleaning your home or workplace. It makes sanitization a quick and easy activity that anyone can do effectively. 

  1. Efficacy

Steam cleaning can kill up to 99% of germs and bacteria in your home. Steamers can completely sanitise any space without using harmful or toxic chemicals.

  1. Not harmful to the environment

Steamers rely on water to get the job done, preventing the need to fill a space with toxic chemicals.

  1. Versatility

There are several kinds of steaming devices you can use for a multitude of cleaning applications, including vaporizers and mops. Having all these options allows you to be versatile in your cleaning efforts.

  1. Easy to maintain

Generally, steamers are really easy to maintain and can last for years without having any issues.


Cons of using steam cleaners

Nothing in this world is perfect; while steamers are efficient and versatile, there are still a few disadvantages to using them:


  1. Heat

Steamers kill germs and bacteria by heating water to insanely high temperatures. This can be a health for many people who don’t do well in extreme heat.


  1. Cleaning frequency

If you’re only using a steamer to get your cleaning done, then the odds are, you may have to clean your home or workplace more often than you would have to using traditional methods.


  1. Warm-up times

Some steamers take long to warm up, you’ll want to look out for those by doing your research about the type and model of steamer you need for your task.


The bottom line!

Steamers are great supplementary devices to add that extra edge to any cleaning effort. If you’d like to learn more about what our steamers can do for you, get in touch with us today!

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